WA Department of Transportation Dataset 2007
Geographic Area: Greenwater River
This dataset was acquired by WA DOT.  It was flown to similar specifications as the PSLC data. The data is in Washington State Plane North (FIPS 4601) coordinate system in the NAD83/NAVD88 datum (Geoid 03) with units in survey feet. Use the coverage and quarter quad index shapefile to determine the files you need. The DEMs have a resolution of 3-ft cells.

Reference Information: Project Report
Quad index for the grid (e00) data
Tile index for the ASCII data
Study Area

Download Data:

Bare Earth DEM (.e00
Full Feature DEM (.e00)
Bare earth points ASCII files
All-returns points ASCII files
zipped ArcMap 9.3 filegeodatabase of bare earth, top surface, and shaded relief. 828,104,246 bytes

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