Dataset 2011
Geographic Area: Kittitas
dataset was acquired by FEMA. See the metadata and report for the
technical specifications and qualitty of the data. The bare earth DEMs, contours and Bare Earth LAS
files were
created in Washignton State Plane South NAD83, NAVD88. All units
in feet. The DEMs
have a resolution of 5 feet
cells. The All-returns
LAS point files are in UTM Zone 10; horizontal and vertical datum:
NAD83/NAVD88. All units in meters. There are no Full Feature DEMs. Reference Information: Project Report
pdf Bare
Earth DEM metadata - xml file Index for the
LAS tiles - shapefiles Download Data: Bare
DEM - ESRI Grids Contours - shapefiles
can put on our ftp up to 10 LAS tiles. If you would like more
than that, you will need to submit an external drive. For both of
these requests, you will need to have a list of the files. See
the Index shapefile to locate the files covering your area of
interest. Once you have the list Contact us.