================================================== ps4276 d:\northps\block123-14dec07\ps4276.txt 15 Dec 07 18:10:09 Saturday elapsed time 00:06:59 Rectangular area = 0.876 km2 Data area = 0.873 km2 *percent double coverage = 76.858 **low-curvature dc area = 0.629 km2 1st-return RMSE, low-curvature areas = 0.289 95p = 0.594, 98p = 0.703, 99.5p = 0.842 BE RMSE = 0.099 95p = 0.203, 98p = 0.279, 99.5p = 0.437 1029311 unique returns and 0 duplicate returns 71891.1279795 1239401.86 562251.84 0.26 1 2 71906.2696704 1239484.6 559252.07 0.54 1 2 791.5647137 72697.8343841 1237445.68 559252.08 -1.73 1 2 72712.3819034 1240262.71 562251.89 3.36 1 2 556.9265519 73269.3084553 1238433.65 562251.97 -0.19 1 1 73283.6492377 1237275.68 559252.38 -2.52 1 1 1029300 1st returns 11 2nd returns 0 3rd returns 0 4th returns 614148 ground returns 0 blunders curvature versus slope n = 1104051 X=0, Y = 4.81 +/- 2.52 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 3.7 + 1.863 X + 0.02839 X**2 slope versus dZ, curvature < 5 n = 822811 X=0, Y = 8.99 +/- 8.07 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 7.5 + 0.207 X + 0.00033 X**2 at X = 100, Y = 31.6 effective RMSE xy = 48.1 slope versus dZ, curvature < 15 n = 1076461 X=0, Y = 9.56 +/- 8.24 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 7.7 + 0.298 X + -0.00092 X**2 curvature versus dZ, slope < 10 n = 1062485 X=0, Y = 8.18 +/- 5.87 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 7.6 + 1.194 X + 0.10997 X**2 Number of samples 1104186 Max dz = 300 Mean dz = 7 RMS dz = 9.48683298051 100cm = 99.9880454923 percentile value of dz Number of survey units in 1 meter = 3.208 Nominal spot spacing (in survey units) = 5 Nominal pulse density (per m2) = 1 Difference cell size = 2.5 IsData cell size = 1.25 IsData expand cells = 8 IsData shrink cells = 7 BE IsData cell size = 2.5 BE IsData expand cells = 24 BE IsData shrink cells = 24 MaxCurve = 24.69903359999 Curvature expand cells = 4 Curvature shrink cells = 3 Point density cell size = 20 Color critical value = 0.3208 Hue jump at critical value = 90