================================================== ps4093 d:\northps\block123-14dec07\ps4093.txt 26 Dec 07 14:16:21 Wednesday elapsed time 00:13:27 Rectangular area = 0.877 km2 Data area = 0.875 km2 *percent double coverage = 99.897 **low-curvature dc area = 0.001 km2 1st-return RMSE, low-curvature areas = 1.023 95p = 1.867, 98p = 2.050, 99.5p = 2.284 BE RMSE = 2.561 95p = 5.051, 98p = 7.434, 99.5p = 11.558 3635149 unique returns and 0 duplicate returns 84128.9102281 1330270.09 568186.89 1337.6 1 1 84141.4670046 1333269.55 566478.39 1109.15 2 1 932.2712101 85073.7382147 1333269.74 565287.57 733.86 2 1 85086.5247952 1330270.34 567814.63 1296.61 2 1 467.2618026 85553.7865978 1330270.49 566264.38 800.27 2 1 85566.3477135 1333269.99 565267.44 766.54 1 1 93175.2730685 178741.620782 1330273.13 568247.02 1365.02 1 1 178755.287146 1333269.97 567618.66 1509.1 2 1 241346.419021 420101.706167 1333269.57 565286.36 742.56 2 1 420113.469795 1330270.0 565554.99 708.32 1 1 441.919689 420555.389484 1330270.2 568031.72 1267.86 1 1 420569.242042 1333269.45 565380.76 802.56 1 1 895.253773 421464.495815 1333269.41 566515.36 1097.04 2 1 421475.99592 1330270.1 566378.41 853.34 1 1 1809298 1st returns 1825851 2nd returns 0 3rd returns 0 4th returns 100317 ground returns 0 blunders curvature versus slope n = 1768097 X=0, Y = 21.37 +/- 14.20 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 67.3 + 1.491 X + -0.01521 X**2 slope versus dZ, curvature < 5 n = 27966 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 14.6 + 0.239 X + -0.00001 X**2 at X = 100, Y = 38.5 effective RMSE xy = 55.9 slope versus dZ, curvature < 15 n = 73196 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 13.8 + 0.344 X + -0.00006 X**2 curvature versus dZ, slope < 10 n = 8050 X=0, Y = 18.42 +/- 9.93 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 18.6 + 0.341 X + 0.11473 X**2 Number of samples 1786710 Max dz = 900 Mean dz = 87 RMS dz = 357.415724332 100cm = 85.8794096412 percentile value of dz Number of survey units in 1 meter = 3.208 Nominal spot spacing (in survey units) = 5 Nominal pulse density (per m2) = 1 Difference cell size = 2.5 IsData cell size = 1.25 IsData expand cells = 8 IsData shrink cells = 7 BE IsData cell size = 2.5 BE IsData expand cells = 24 BE IsData shrink cells = 24 MaxCurve = 24.69903359999 Curvature expand cells = 4 Curvature shrink cells = 3 Point density cell size = 20 Color critical value = 0.3208 Hue jump at critical value = 90