================================================== ps4092 d:\northps\block123-14dec07\ps4092.txt 26 Dec 07 12:45:24 Wednesday elapsed time 00:13:57 Rectangular area = 0.877 km2 Data area = 0.874 km2 *percent double coverage = 99.983 **low-curvature dc area = 0.008 km2 1st-return RMSE, low-curvature areas = 0.669 95p = 1.177, 98p = 1.411, 99.5p = 1.829 BE RMSE = 2.323 95p = 4.829, 98p = 6.768, 99.5p = 10.332 3641815 unique returns and 0 duplicate returns 84116.7463148 1327271.91 568224.11 1212.51 2 2 84129.1698116 1330269.9 566326.12 834.97 2 1 957.1646817 85086.3344933 1330269.21 565527.04 646.84 1 2 85099.2889357 1327270.04 567901.92 1265.25 1 1 441.9341465 85541.2230822 1327270.8 566394.42 692.53 2 2 85553.9591596 1330269.84 565253.14 651.91 2 1 93173.8656964 178727.824856 1327275.08 568240.9 1296.1 1 1 178742.02369 1330269.7 567694.29 1241.8 2 1 241371.437625 420113.461315 1330266.5 565252.15 594.43 2 2 420125.297363 1327270.22 566348.31 750.27 1 1 416.928239 420542.225602 1327270.15 568099.04 1202.74 2 1 420555.802008 1330269.36 565252.14 634.52 2 1 920.155352 421475.95736 1330269.14 567159.25 903.03 2 2 421487.384754 1327270.18 568158.33 1322.58 1 1 1814574 1st returns 1827241 2nd returns 0 3rd returns 0 4th returns 206490 ground returns 0 blunders curvature versus slope n = 3358981 X=0, Y = 18.15 +/- 9.26 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 49.0 + 2.528 X + -0.02753 X**2 slope versus dZ, curvature < 5 n = 135111 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 10.9 + 0.473 X + -0.00234 X**2 at X = 100, Y = 34.8 effective RMSE xy = 51.9 slope versus dZ, curvature < 15 n = 516628 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 13.0 + 0.403 X + -0.00078 X**2 curvature versus dZ, slope < 10 n = 25836 X=0, Y = 13.76 +/- 8.05 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 14.3 + 1.890 X + -0.08988 X**2 Number of samples 3399610 Max dz = 800 Mean dz = 40 RMS dz = 57.6888204074 100cm = 92.0008177409 percentile value of dz Number of survey units in 1 meter = 3.208 Nominal spot spacing (in survey units) = 5 Nominal pulse density (per m2) = 1 Difference cell size = 2.5 IsData cell size = 1.25 IsData expand cells = 8 IsData shrink cells = 7 BE IsData cell size = 2.5 BE IsData expand cells = 24 BE IsData shrink cells = 24 MaxCurve = 24.69903359999 Curvature expand cells = 4 Curvature shrink cells = 3 Point density cell size = 20 Color critical value = 0.3208 Hue jump at critical value = 90