================================================== ps1009 d:\northps\block123-14dec07\ps1009.txt 14 Dec 07 22:30:34 Friday elapsed time 00:07:27 Rectangular area = 0.876 km2 Data area = 0.874 km2 *percent double coverage = 99.772 **low-curvature dc area = 0.001 km2 1st-return RMSE, low-curvature areas = 0.518 95p = 1.014, 98p = 1.159, 99.5p = 1.338 BE RMSE = 1.264 95p = 2.506, 98p = 3.444, 99.5p = 5.482 1971471 unique returns and 0 duplicate returns 320493.888369 1360271.54 691345.17 2345.96 2 1 320506.501405 1360684.82 694251.98 1515.1 1 1 671.016135 321177.51754 1362471.96 694251.07 1167.52 1 1 321195.581536 1360283.91 691252.07 2429.89 1 1 1074.890123 322270.471659 1360450.46 691252.77 2318.28 2 1 322283.183582 1360885.7 694250.98 1538.09 1 1 632.224672 322915.408254 1363257.66 694250.75 983.65 2 1 322933.00573 1361218.96 691252.71 2072.18 2 1 983839 1st returns 987632 2nd returns 0 3rd returns 0 4th returns 282398 ground returns 0 blunders curvature versus slope n = 952681 X=0, Y = 54.50 +/- 29.46 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 64.8 + 1.161 X + -0.01039 X**2 slope versus dZ, curvature < 5 n = 47966 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 10.4 + 0.426 X + -0.00020 X**2 at X = 100, Y = 51.0 effective RMSE xy = 78.4 slope versus dZ, curvature < 15 n = 183852 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 13.2 + 0.395 X + 0.00024 X**2 curvature versus dZ, slope < 10 n = 3195 X=0, Y = 11.33 +/- 7.85 Weighted least-squares fit: Y = 9.5 + 3.592 X + -0.01938 X**2 Number of samples 959769 Max dz = 900 Mean dz = 51 RMS dz = 75.3591401225 100cm = 86.2008462453 percentile value of dz Number of survey units in 1 meter = 3.208 Nominal spot spacing (in survey units) = 5 Nominal pulse density (per m2) = 1 Difference cell size = 2.5 IsData cell size = 1.25 IsData expand cells = 8 IsData shrink cells = 7 BE IsData cell size = 2.5 BE IsData expand cells = 24 BE IsData shrink cells = 24 MaxCurve = 24.69903359999 Curvature expand cells = 4 Curvature shrink cells = 3 Point density cell size = 20 Color critical value = 0.3208 Hue jump at critical value = 90